Below you'll find a list of fundraising platforms in your country or region as reviewed by our community of race directors.
Sell your mission with free websites for your nonprofit and fundraising campaigns that are easy to build and even easier to manage. Nonprofit Websites: Point and click photos, video, and tex…
We believe nonprofits shouldn’t sacrifice their means to satisfy their missions. That’s why Give Lively was created. We are a philanthropist-funded, social impact–driven tech compan…
CharityWeb provides a robust online fundraising platform at a price all nonprofits can afford. Our Event-a-Thon tool is used for races, walks, fun runs, plunges, etc. Easy to setup and use, you can c…
Fundraise online and raise money for a project or cause you truly care about. DoJiggy offers you an affordable online fundraising website with the latest technology for personal fundraising pages, no…
Since 2007 GoFundraise has worked closely over 1,800 charities to understand their needs and make raising funds through digital technology easier and lower cost. With GoFundraise, non-profits of all …