Timing Software

Below you’ll find a list of race timing software as reviewed by our community of race directors.

6 listings

Intuitive and full of possibilities, Copérnico is the simplest, easiest timing software in the world. We have designed it, like all of our timingsense products, to make your life easier. …

The first license free race timing and scoring software. Now and forever. Built with some of the latest technologies. RUFUS combines a set of powerful tools with an intuitive and easy-to-use user …

SiTiming is the results software for SPORTident. It can be used for timing and producing results for a huge number of different events

RaceTec is powerful, flexible and feature rich software for scoring all types of competitive races. Used by everyone from professional timing companies to local clubs.Having been developed for some o…

Wiclax is a powerful and complete race scoring and race timing software solution to manage all your events, easily and efficiently. It's built by and for demanding timekeepers. Today Wiclax is…