Race Timers in Queensland

Below you'll find a list of race timers and race timing companies in Queensland as reviewed by our community of race directors.

e have partnered with world timing giant RaceResult to bring leading sporting event timing and technology to all parts of Australia. Originating in Western Australia, we now have an office in Cair…

The Timing Wizards offer a range of timing services for sports events, including electronic timing systems, results management, and live-tracking. Their expertise covers events such as triathlons, cy…

We provide a range of event timing solutions to suit races and events of all sizes. We love working with events and find solutions to help meet budgetary requirements. Our goal is to provide a profes…

On The Edge Events is an Australian based timing contractor that specialises in timing a variety of large participant races. We employ the latest techniques and technology to achieve industry leading…

A complete timing & results package for your event, delivered remotely. Our technology ensures complete peace of mind on event day for you and your athletes.