24 January 2025
Award-winning race director Clint McCormick on preparing for and successfully navigating the process of event permitting for your race.
When it comes to putting on races, obtaining a permit (or permits, as the case may be) is one of the most fundamental aspects of the race planning process. However, with increasingly busier local event schedules and ever-changing permitting requirements, obtaining a permit for any event is becoming both costlier and more complicated than ever.
So, how can you best navigate the event permitting process? What things do you need to prepare for and focus on before reaching out to your local council or police department? And how do you manage the timeline of permit approvals alongside the 10,000 other balls you’re juggling in delivering your race?
That’s what we’re discussing today with my guest, Glass City Marathon award-winning race director, Clint McCormick. It’s a pleasure to welcome Clint back to the podcast for our first episode of 2025 and to be able to share in his expertise in the topic of permitting.
With Clint’s help we’ll be looking at all aspects of the permitting process, from figuring out whom to contact first and when, understanding what authorities might expect from your event, preparing your application in a way that gives you the best chance of success, as well as managing a denial of permit deep into your event planning cycle, should you be unfortunate enough to have to face such an eventuality.
In this episode:
- Do you really need a permit to operate your race?
- Who issues permits and where to go to get started.
- The curious case of the the Malibu Triathlon permit switch.
- How the proliferation of events strains local communities and increases competition for permits.
- What things you need to have ready to get started with the permitting process.
- How early should you look to start the permitting process?
- How to handle the uncertainty of permit approvals while planning your race.
- Does your experience as a race director factor into the permitting process
- What other factors can improve (or hurt) your chances of obtaining a race permit?
- Does securing a permit this year give you a head start in securing a permit next year?
- Alternative routes and weather contingency plans in your permit application.
- Appealing against a permit application rejection.
- What to do if your permits are rejected at the last minute.
Many thanks to our podcast sponsors, RunSignup and Brooksee, for supporting our efforts to provide great, free content to the race director community:
RunSignup are the leading all-in-one technology solution for endurance and fundraising events. More than 28,000 events use RunSignup's free and integrated solution to save time, grow their events, and raise more. Find out more at https://runsignup.com/.
Brooksee are the timing technology industry-leader, bringing affordable real-time tracking and timing checkpoints to races with their patented iPhone-sized micro checkpoints. Find out more and get 50% off your timing for your next event at https://www.brooksee.com/headstart.